Alexis A. Aguilar-Arevalo
I am an experimental particle physicist. My main interests are neutrino physics, direct dark matter searches, and tests of universality in weak interactions. I have experience in data analysis, data processing, Monte Carlo simulations, and particle physics detectors and their electronics. I regularly teach physics courses at Facultad de Ciencias and the physics graduate program (Posgrado en Ciencias Fisicas) at UNAM. I also supervise undergraduate and graduate student theses on the topics of my research.
Since January of 2009 I am working at the Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares of UNAM in Mexico City. From January to December of 2008 I worked on the PIENU experiment as a post-doc in the TRIUMF laboratory located in Vancouver B.C., Canada. From June of 2003 to December of 2007 I conducted my research at Fermilab as a graduate student with Columbia University working on the MiniBooNE experiment. I graduated on December 20 of 2007, and my Ph.D. degree was awarded by Columbia University on February of 2008.
Background ( full CV, abridged CV )
Search all publications I contributed to in INSPIRE-HEP or Google ScholarContact Information:
Mexico City: Departamento de Fisica de Altas Energias, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares (ICN-UNAM), Circuito Exterior s/n, Ciudad Universitaria C.P. 04510, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico Phone: ++(52-55) 5622-4669 Fax: ++(52-55) 5622-4693 |